Ways to use your wood ash.

Wood ash is one of those overlooked but incredibly useful items. It often gets thrown away, but there are actually a lot of surprising uses for wood ash, many of…

Growing Fodder for your animals.

Fodder, or animal feed, is an important part of keeping your animals healthy and content. While you can buy a variety of different types of fodder, many farmers and pet…

Preserving your chicken eggs.

I’ve been reading articles and watching Youtube videos on water glassing eggs and thought that I would post some information. Water glassing eggs is not something new and has been…

Our hen went broody!

With the price of food rising and don’t know if or when it might go down we have tried to find ways to increase our food supply on our property.…

Welcome to The Noisy Acre

Let’s start from the beginning… I was a young lad in the 1990s when I drove to my landlord’s home to pay the monthly rent. It was an upscale neighborhood…